07 Feb 2023

Seven Hills High School operates Homework Centre every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:03pm until 4:00pm. The program gives students the opportunity to complete homework and assessments utilising library resources and teacher support.
For students to gain optimal benefit from the initiative, we are asking students to commit to regular attendance. If your child(ren) can not attend a session, we ask that you inform the school. If we have not received notification from the parent/caregiver and a student is not in attendance, a member of staff will contact you via SMS to inform you of their absence from Homework Centre on their nominated day. When completing the permission note, we ask to nominate the day(s) your child(ren) will attend.
During assessment periods, if your child(ren) would like to utilise the program there will be the option for occasional attendance and a ‘Short Term Access to Home Centre’ permission note will need to be completed for the days your child(ren) are attending.
Parents/Caregivers are reminded that students need to arrange their own transport home and that the bus timetable may not coincide with the finish time of Homework Centre.
If you have any questions regarding Homework Centre, please contact the school on 9624 3329.