Mandatory History
History is a core subject studied through stages four and five at Seven Hills High School. The course allows students to engage with various topics and historical concepts with numerous educational focuses. The History curriculum enables students to develop a wide range of literacy and numeracy skills, through various research tasks, ICT requirements and source analysis. The course aims at creating and moulding conscious, empathetic and informed world citizens, through 21stcentury teaching and learning.
History in Stage 4 assists students to study the Ancient World, and explore the various cultures and influences of these interesting times. Australian colonisation is investigated with a focus on the impact of Indigenous people to create understanding and inclusiveness in the community. Stage 5 of the Australian History curriculum encompasses both world wars and the conflict in Vietnam, and explores Australia during the war periods, with focus on the impact international conflicts has on the movement of people, and the multicultural notion we enjoy in present Australian society.
Mandatory Geography
Geography is a rich and complex discipline that enables students to develop a wide range of skills such as gathering, organising and evaluating geographical information from a variety of sources, including fieldwork. Through the study of Geography at Seven Hills High School students develop skills to be able to explain patterns, evaluate consequences and contribute to the management of physical, social, cultural and built environments.
In accordance with the National Curriculum students are able to develop strong literacy and numeracy skills which they are able to apply across all subject areas. Stage four Geography allows students to build knowledge about the world around us through the studies of Global Issues and the Role of Citizenship. These studies assist in developing a deep understanding of society and enables students to become active citizens and lifelong learners. Throughout the stage 5 Geography course students study the Unique Characteristics of Australian Environments. Learning about Australian environments allows students to solidify their understanding of Australia's unique characteristics.
Elective History
Elective History is available to Stage 5 students as either a 100 or 200 hours subject. The course focuses on the development of students' understanding of the nature of History and the ways in which different perspectives of the past are reflected in a variety of historical constructions. Students focus on core subjects that explore past societies and significant historical figures, such as Ancient Sparta and Alexander the Great. These units offer the opportunity to enjoy the study of History for its intrinsic interest. Students are provided with an environment where they are able to work more independently and to apply the historical skills they have acquired. In accordance with the National Curriculum, Elective History also incorporates and ensures students are able to develop strong literacy, numeracy and ICT skills which can be used across all subjects.