What we offer at Seven Hills High School
School Canteen
School Canteen
All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.
A large selection of food and drink items are available for sale. For details, see the School Canteen Menu.
Self Select Program
Self Select Program
At Seven Hills High School, we are dedicated to turning potential into performance in all areas of a student’s life. We recognise that some students are independent learners who are able to explore the curriculum in a self-directed and meaningful way.
The Self-Select Program uses innovative teaching models, flexible learning options and creative problem solving techniques that encourage students to challenge themselves to achieve their personal best. By taking ownership of their education, students engage actively in the experiences provided so that they not only set, but also achieve, higher standards throughout their learning journey.
Criteria for admission to the Self-Select program relate to student motivation, enthusiasm for learning, an ability to work both independently and cooperatively, as well as a history of mature and responsible classroom behaviour.
Students wishing to undertake the Self-Select Program will need to commit to:
- Completing enrichment activities
- Participating in negotiated extra-curricular activities
- Completing homework; and
- Displaying appropriate classroom behaviour
Enrichment Program
One period per week is dedicated to an enrichment program. It is designed to extend and challenge students through processes associated with Key Learning Areas within the curriculum.
The enrichment program will allow students to develop their research skills, evaluate various forms of media, extend their repertoire of problem solving strategies and develop creative solutions to these problems.
Enrichment activities may include:
- Excursions and guest speakers: These events will provide the students with exposure to ideas, processes and techniques beyond the usual range. The opportunity to see and question experts working in their field provides motivation and encourages curiosity and questioning. This in turn may be the basis of further research, independent study and extension activities.
- Hands-on experiences/projects: Students will be taught to use sophisticated materials and equipment to undertake research independently.
- Training in the use of multi-media technologies: This will enable students to develop independence and responsibility when undertaking research as well as build on their presentation and public speaking skills.
Students wishing to gain a place in the Self-Select class need to complete the Self Nomination Form below.
Information in this form is one part of the nomination process. The individual’s application will be considered alongside the Student Profile form which is provided by the student’s Year 6 classroom teacher.
To apply, please compete the form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M5WDDRF
For further information, please phone the school office: 02 9624 3329.
Support Programs
Support Programs
The Seven Hills High School Learning and Support team assists teachers in supporting the individual needs of students.
Support is provided in the form of withdrawal programs, small group tasks, differentiated units of work and/or specialised programming within the classroom.
Identification of students with a specific need is based on information received from their primary school, Student Adviser referrals, data records, testing (e.g., NAPLAN), parent requests, and/or referrals from classroom teachers.
Our Learning and Support team consists of Joanna Jordan, Learning and Support Teacher and 12 School Learning Support Officers (SLSOs).
At Seven Hills High School our literacy intervention programs consist of the following:
The MultiLit Reading Tutor Program: This program is designed to improve student reading accuracy and fluency levels. Sessions are delivered one-on-one, for thirty minutes, three times per week with a member of the Learning and Support Team. A pre and post test is undertaken to evaluate student performance. Achievement in each session is entered into student booklets. As students' reading accuracy increases, they progress through the levels.
Upon completion of MultiLit, students undertake a ‘transition to reading group’ program. Sessions are delivered one-on-one, for thirty minutes, three times per week with a focus on comprehension and fluency and consist of reading and comprehension worksheets.
Reading Group: Identified students engage in a weekly reading group for one hour, where they focus on comprehension and fluency. The program assists students in developing skills that will enable them to independently participate in class activities. Formative assessment is used to determine progress. This includes utilising reading comprehension boxes (fortnightly) and tutor observations. Student progress is regularly evaluated to ensure appropriate strategies are implemented.
Writing Group: Students who require support with elements of writing are invited to participate in a weekly writing group. The program addresses sentence structure, grammar and punctuation, how to write sentences and forming peel paragraphs. Students work through explicit focus areas of writing. As they demonstrate competency in skills, they move to the next level. Student work samples are used to assess progress.
At Seven Hills High School we use QuickSmart as our Numeracy intervention program.
QuickSmart is an evidence-based basic skills intervention program that focuses on understanding and recall of basic number facts, performance of elementary calculations, acquisition of appropriate mathematics language, and problem-solving skills. The primary aim being the development of number facts automaticity. Students who require support with their numeracy will take part in thirty-minute sessions, three times per week. Student performance is tracked each session via flashcards and spreadsheets, weekly OZCAAS and progress testing. As students achieve success at specified level, they move on to the next phase according to their performance.
In addition to our Literacy and Numeracy programs, we support students in the classroom. This helps them understand the content delivered, engage with the resources provided, and develop confidence in their ability. When students feel supported, they are more likely to ask questions, seek clarification, and actively participate in class discussions, which leads to improved learning outcomes.
Each student is unique. Providing support in and out of the classroom allows us to address individual needs. Tailoring teaching methods and offering additional help can make the learning experience more relevant and accessible to all students.

Extra-Curricular Activities

School Counselling Service
School Counselling Service
Counsellors - Ms Adele McLennan & Ms Whitney Moe
The Counsellor’s role is to assist, in a confidential manner, those students who may be having difficulty at school with their work or their relationships.
A teacher may recommend the service by referring a student to the school’s learning and support team. As a parent or carer, you may refer your child directly to the school counselling service. Students can also self-refer to the service.
The school counselling service can:
- support students who are worrying about school work, friends, getting in trouble at school or feeling down
- help parents and carers make decisions about your child’s education
- assess a student’s learning and behaviour
- help teachers and students identify and address disabilities that may affect learning
- liaise with other agencies regarding student wellbeing.
School counselling is confidential.
For more information about learning and support teams and the school counselling service, visit: